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Keynote Speakers

Title: ShennongGPT: A Fine-tuning LLM Model for Medication Guidance

Speaker: Shaoliang Peng, Hunan University

Prof. Shaoliang Peng is the executive director/professor of College of Computer Science and Electronic Engineering/the National Supercomputing Center in Changsha (Hunan University, Changsha, China), and is an adjunct professor of State Key Laboratory of Chemo/Biosensing and Chemometrics, and Peng Cheng Lab. He was a visiting scholar at CS Department of City University of Hong Kong (CityU) from 2007 to 2008 and at BGI Hong Kong from 2013 to 2014. His research interests are high performance computing, bioinformatics, big data, AI, and blockchain. He has published dozens of academic papers on several internationally influential journals, including Science, Nature Machine Intelligence, Cell AJHG, NAR, Genome Research, ACM / IEEE Transactions, BIBM and so on, which have been cited by Google Scholar for over 9000 times. He has served as editors of several international journals, including Executive Editors of International Journal of Biological Sciences (IJBS), Executive Editors-in-Chief of Interdisciplinary Sciences: Computational Life Sciences International Journal (ISCLS), Editors-in-Chief of Metaverse, etc. He has also served as chairman and sponsor of the Hunan Provincial Bioinformatics Society, deputy director of biological information professional group in CCF, and Program Chairman of the 17th APBC Asia Pacific Regional Bioinformatics Conference Committee 2019, and BIBM 2016 Conference Invited Speaker.

Title: Learn to Optimize

Speaker: Ke Tang, Southern University of Science and Technology

Ke Tang is a Professor at the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Southern University of Science and Technology (SUSTech). Before joining SUSTech in January 2018, he was with the School of Computer Science and Technology, University of Science and Technology of China (USTC), as an Associate Professor (2007-2011) and a Professor (2011-2017), respectively. His major research interests include evolutionary computation and machine learning, as well as their applications. He is a Fellow of IEEE and Changjiang Scholar Professor for Artificial Intelligence (Ministry of Education of China). He is also the recipient of a few national and international awards, such as the IEEE Computational Intelligence Society Outstanding Early Career Award, the Natural Science Award of MOE of China, and the Newton Advanced Fellowship (Royal Society, UK).

Title: Evolutionary large-scale sparse multi-objective optimization

Speaker: Xingyi Zhang, Anhui University

Prof. Xingyi Zhang is currently a Professor with the School of Computer Science and Technology, Anhui University, Hefei, China. His current research interests include unconventional models and algorithms of computation, evolutionary multi-objective optimization, and logistic scheduling. He is the recipient of the 2018, 2021, and 2024 IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation Outstanding Paper Award and the 2020 IEEE Computational Intelligence Magazine Outstanding Paper Award. He is an Associate Editor of IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation.

Title: Correcting complex errors in DNA data storage

Speaker: Weigang Chen, Tianjin University

Prof. Weigang Chen is a full professor with the School of Microelectronics and Frontiers Science Center for Synthetic Biology (MOE), Tianjin University. He received the B.E. degree from Shandong University, Jinan, China and Ph.D. degree from Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, in 2003 and 2008, respectively. From September 2008 to September 2009, he was a postdoc research fellow with ETIS (CNRS UMR 8051), Cergy, France. From October 2014 to September 2015, he was a visiting research fellow with UCLA, California. Currently, His current research interest includes DNA data storage, information theory and coding. He designed novel schemes for DNA data storage using indel correction codes and complete the verification including all the processes. He has published 100 papers in the academic journals including National Science Review, IEEE Transactions on Communications, etc and the international conferences. He has 60 filed patents in China. He was awarded by the Program for New Century Excellent Talents in University (NCET-12-0401) from Ministry of Education in China. He won the Best paper award of the IEEE 3rd International Conference on Multimedia Information Processing and Retrieval (IEEE MIPR 2020).

Continuously updating

Important Dates

Paper Submission Deadline
November 15, 2023
Extended to: November 30, 2023

Notification of Paper Presentation
December 1, 2023
Extended to: December 5, 2023
All notifications of paper presentation for BIC-TA 2023 have been sent out. If you have not received it, please contact bictapub@hotmail.com.

Conference Date
December 15-17, 2023

Notification of Paper Acceptance for CCIS Post-Conference Publication
January 15, 2024

Final Paper Submission for CCIS Post-Conference Publication
January 30, 2024

Contact Information

Submission and Publication
+86 13032270056

Local Organization
Jiahui Ren